Home Gym Equipment- The Essentials

Designing the perfect home gym is a dream for many, but what makes a home gym truly ideal, and what workout gear should you consider? A mix of small equipment and larger items can transform your home space into a versatile training area, allowing you to target multiple muscle groups effectively. Home gym equipment can be confusing with which items are high quality.

When planning your home gym, keep your budget, versatility, and training preferences in mind. Let’s start with essential small equipment and then move on to larger, more costly items that can be worth the investment if you prefer to avoid commercial gyms.

Small “home gym” Equipment

Elastic Bands: These are lightweight and easy to carry, making them perfect for traveling and storage. They are also intuitive to use for muscle targeting when properly anchored.

  • Superbands (with anchors and handles): Great for pulling, pushing, and assisting in body weight exercises.
  • Loop Bands: Ideal for working on accessory muscles like the serratus anterior, glute medius, and minimus. They can also be combined with weights for stabilizing movements such as the shoulder press.

However, bands have a resistance profile that may not always align with your training goals. They become harder to use as they stretch, which can limit their effectiveness for certain exercises.

High End Pilates Ring or Normal Pilates Ring: Useful for core exercises involving the inner thighs and abdominals. It’s especially beneficial post-pregnancy for regaining core strength and addressing diastasis recti.

Suspension Trainer: This strap-like equipment allows you to use your body weight for push and pull exercises by adjusting angles. It’s versatile for both indoor and outdoor training. Consider investing in the original TRX trainer for a premium option.

Muscle Tension Release Tools

To help release muscle tension, consider these tools:

  • Massage Balls: Use a wall as a counterforce to release muscle knots.
  • Soft Foam Roller: Suitable for larger muscle groups and thoracic extension.
  • Hard Foam Roller: Ideal for athletic muscle tension or myofascial tension, recommended for advanced exercisers.
  • Massage Canes: Focus on self-releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, and spine.

For budget-conscious options, these tools are effective. However, there are also advanced, tech-oriented products:

While not essential, these advanced tools can be beneficial. However, proper use of basic equipment can be just as effective.

Home Gym Equipment

For a more comprehensive setup, consider these larger items for a 10-15 sqm space:

Adjustable Dumbbells: These save space and allow easy weight switching. PowerBlocks are a recommended brand, available in heavy (elite up to 42kg in 4kg intervals), light (sport edition up to 11kgs with small intervals  ), and elite (step 1 22kg with 1-2.4kg intervals). The Elite are expandable sets where the non expandable sets are called pros for more information read their website.

Bench: Essential for chest exercises, stretching, leg exercises, and abs. Choose a light bench for easy storage and sturdiness or a heavier, more durable commercial bench.

Dumbbell Foot Attachment: Great for people needing to strengthen their ankle, vertical jump or to simply balance their strong calves!

Nordic Hamstring Curl Strap: Amazing for Hamstring Strengthening wherever you are. Made for people needing stronger hamstrings for better posterior chain strength. Great for people progressing towards stronger knees!

Wedges: Useful for squatting, even with dumbbells. Adjustable wedges help find the perfect height for optimal squatting, depending on your mobility.

Stretch Board:  Used for people with tight calves, or with certain lower extremety dysfunctions! Great to have as a heel elevation as well for narrow squats!

Starting with this essential list will set you on the right path for effective training and strength development. Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to contact me for personalized help in designing your home gym!





Harnessing the Power of Macronutrients: Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates

Fueling Your Body, Optimizing Your Health:

In the quest for optimal health and fitness, understanding and strategically utilizing macronutrients – the fundamental building blocks of our nutrition (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) – is paramount. Shifting our focus from mere calorie counting to targeted macronutrient choices tailored to our goals unlocks a new level of health and performance. Let’s delve into the world of macros and explore how they can empower you!

1. Protein: The Cornerstone of Muscle Growth and More

Protein isn’t just for bodybuilders; it’s a crucial element for anyone striving for fitness and vitality. It supports:

  • Muscle growth and repair: Builds and maintains lean muscle mass, aiding in fat loss and boosting metabolism.
  • Satiety: Keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reducing cravings and aiding in weight management especially when there is a lot of temptation around us (more tips).
  • Bone health: Contributes to strong bones and prevents osteoporosis.

Protein is made of 20 different building blocks called amino acids. 9 of the 20 amino acids are essential, meaning they cannot be produced from other amino acids or constituents. Hence it is essential have foods that are composed of these amino acids: cottage cheese, tofu, beans, legumes and other high protein types of foods have a range of these essential amino acids. The key here is to diversify your protein sources especially if you are vegetarian or vegan.

Aim for a protein intake ranging from 0.8 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of ideal body weight (a weight of 10-20% body fat for men and 20-30% for women). This large range  is adjusted based on your goals. Being vegetarian or vegan makes it more difficult to ingest high amounts of absorbable protein without supplementing with high protein dense dairy or vegan protein.

This macronutrient supports muscle growth, repair, and satiety, promoting a lean physique and aiding in bone health. Incorporate protein-rich foods such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, tofu, and lentils into your meals, with a particular emphasis on breakfast to kickstart your metabolism and curb hunger throughout the day.

2. Essential Fats: Nourishing Body and Mind

Not all fats are created equal,

Essential fats, found in fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds, play a vital role in:

  • Hormone balance: Regulate hormone production for optimal health and function.
  • Brain function: Support cognitive function, memory, and mood.
  • Nutrient absorption: Enhance the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other foods.

As an overview fats can be classified as:

types of fats



i) Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

ii) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

iii) Saturated Fatty Acids

iv) Trans Fatty Acids


Trans fatty acids are to avoided (<1% of total fat intake). They are a biproduct of industrial  hydrogenation (throwing hydrogen ions) of vegetable oil to make it more stable and have a longer shelf life. It can naturally be present in certain animal fats due to a bacterial transformation of the polyunsaturated, while it is in a very small proportion compared to the other type of fat found in ruminant fat.

Like essential amino acids we also have essential fats:

Alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) and linoleic acid (omega 6) both polyunsaturated fatty acids and incredibly important.

Omega 3s are thought to be a ‘good fat’ and a less common fat in our diet which can be t found in algae, fish, seafood and in small amount in grass fed/ pasture raised meats. Omega 6s on the other hand are plentiful in our diet being more present in plant oils and thus in processed foods.

Most Omega 6 rich oils are refined and are oxidized during the deodorization and refining process which leaves highly inflammatory bi-products, hurting our immune system and health.

Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated fats are all healthy if not oxidized and not combined with exessive amounts of carbohydrates (sugar).

Bottom line is that fats are healthy especially if you have omega 3 fats!

3. Breaking the Fast: Energizing Your Day with Protein and Fat

Say goodbye to sugary cereals and embrace a breakfast rich in protein and fats to fuel your day.

  • Eggs with avocado: Provides protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins.
  • Greek yogurt with berries and nuts: Combines protein, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats.
  • Protein smoothie with chia seeds: Offers protein, fiber, healthy fats, and essential nutrients.

These options provide:

  • Sustained energy: Stable blood sugar levels prevent energy crashes and cravings.
  • Improved focus: Supports cognitive function and mental clarity throughout the day.
  • Reduced cravings: Protein and healthy fats promote satiety and curb unhealthy snacking.

This strategic approach sets the stage for optimal performance..

4.Control Your Carbohydrate Intake:

Carbohydrates: While non-essential, they provide energy to burn with movement and hard mental work. High level athletes need carbohydrates to function however even for people that workout 2-3 a week and have an office job. A total of 50-150g per day of carbohydrates can be helpful to control for carb intake and increase fat loss when in a caloric deficit. Consider your activity level and personal response to them when adjusting your intake. The higher intensity the workouts are the more carbs are going to be important for your performance.

5. Aligning Macronutrients with Your Goals

Your macronutrient needs are not static! They vary based on your individual goals and activity levels. Whether you seek:

  • Fat Loss: Prioritize protein and healthy fats while moderating carbohydrate intake. This approach helps preserve lean muscle mass, boost metabolism, and foster long-term weight loss success.
  • Muscle Gain: Increase your protein intake toward the higher end of the recommended range and ensure you’re consuming enough calories to fuel your workouts. Combine this with a structured strength training program to maximize muscle growth.
  • Longevity and Healthy Aging: Take a balanced approach, incorporating nutrient-rich options with high protein. Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods to support overall health and vitality as you age gracefully. Food frequency and timing are perhaps the most important while moderate carbohydrate intake is especially important when not being physical active.

Embracing the Power of Macronutrients

By understanding and strategically utilizing macronutrients, you can revolutionize your relationship with food and achieve your health and fitness goals. A summary is to break your calorie intake as the following:

25-30% Protein

25-40% Fats

35-45% Carbs

Eating more carbs due to energy output is important but if you are aiming for maintening your weight the same while not exercise more than 45min per day then keeping your carbs at 35-45% can be deemed as sustainable.

It’s not about restriction but about empowerment – choosing foods that nourish your body and mind, setting the stage for lasting success.

Next Steps:

  • Consult with us or a dietician that help with a personalized nutrition plan that aligns with your unique needs and objectives.
  • Start tracking your macronutrients using apps such as Cronometer
  • With the right mindset and macronutrient strategy, you can conquer your goals and unlock your full potential for health and vitality.

Holistic Pain Management: Strategies to Reduce Systemic Inflammation

In the relentless pursuit of well-being, adopting a holistic approach to pain and systemic inflammation management is crucial. Below are lifestyle and wellness tips that can help ease muscle pain and tackle systemic inflammation.

1. Nutrient-Rich Foods for Systemic Inflammation Management:

  • Transitioning to incorporating organic, local, and seasonal fruits and vegetables into your diet can indeed make a significant impact.
  • Additionally, make it a habit to add a form of protein to each meal to support overall health.
  • For a more personalized approach, it’s advisable to consider scheduling a food sensitivity test to identify potential inflammation triggers.
  • Lastly, it’s advisable to avoid universally inflammatory foods like nightshades, tomatoes, dairy, and sugar.

2. Quality Sleep: A Pillar in Pain Management

  • Delve into understanding the profound effects of quality sleep on pain management and inflammation reduction.

3. Mindful Meditation for Pain Relief and Inflammation Control:

  • Discover how integrating mindful meditation techniques contributes to stress reduction and healing processes.

4. Medium-Intensity Exercise and Mobility: Dual Benefits for Pain and Inflammation:

  • Combining medium-intensity exercises (like strenght training) and improved mobility (through yoga/stretching), can significantly aid in pain management and inflammation reduction.

5. Integrating Lifestyle Strategies for Holistic Pain Relief:

  • By combining various lifestyle strategies, you can create a comprehensive approach to pain management and inflammation control.

By strategically optimizing your lifestyle with these targeted strategies, you can actively manage pain and effectively reduce systemic inflammation. Embrace this holistic approach to unlock the potential for transformative well-being, thereby allowing you to navigate life with vitality and comfort. Furthermore, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized guidance on implementing these strategies into your daily routine.

Holistic Health: Comprehensive Blood Tests in Amsterdam with Healthy Bestari and Fitsurance

Are you in Amsterdam and seeking comprehensive blood tests with a holistic approach to health management? Healthy Bestari, in collaboration with Fitsurance, now offers convenient and non-invasive blood testing services right in Amsterdam. Situated at the Art of Physio clinic in the Zuidas area, these blood tests require just 5ml of blood, ensuring a painless and comfortable experience for all.

The primary objective of these blood tests is to provide insights into critical health indicators pivotal to your overall well-being. Covering essential markers such as Total Cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, LDL, HbA1c, and Hs-CRP, Healthy Bestari’s holistic approach emphasizes understanding and managing these factors to promote your health and well-being.

Let’s explore the importance of each Key Blood Test

Total Cholesterol:

  • Total Cholesterol is a fundamental marker for assessing heart disease risk, incorporating both LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. High total cholesterol levels may signal an increased risk, but it’s essential to evaluate these levels alongside LDL and HDL cholesterol specifics.

HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol:

  • Known as “good” cholesterol, HDL plays a crucial role in heart health by transporting cholesterol away from arteries, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.


  • Elevated triglyceride levels can elevate the risk of heart disease, underscoring the importance of monitoring and managing them for a holistic health approach.

LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol:

  • Referred to as “bad” cholesterol, high LDL levels can lead to plaque buildup in arteries, escalating the risk of heart disease and stroke. Measuring LDL cholesterol is crucial for assessing cardiovascular risk and guiding treatment strategies.

HbA1c (Haemoglobin A1c):

  • This blood test provides insights into average blood glucose levels over recent months. Monitoring HbA1c aids in understanding and managing blood sugar levels for improved health and assessing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP):

  • Hs-CRP indicates inflammation levels in the body. Chronic high CRP levels are linked to various health conditions, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, and stress management play a significant role in maintaining healthy CRP levels.

At the core of these comprehensive blood tests lies the HDL to Triglyceride ratio, a crucial marker for heart health. This ratio embodies the holistic approach to health, offering insights into the balance between protective and risk factors in the bloodstream.

A high HDL to Triglyceride ratio signifies a lower risk of heart disease, making it integral to integrated health. A favorable lipid profile, with high HDL and low triglycerides, aligns with holistic well-being, promoting heart health and reducing inflammation.

By offering comprehensive blood tests in Amsterdam with this integrated approach, Fitsurance and Healthy Bestari aim to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health. Healthy Bestari’s mission is to implement lifestyle changes through exercise, nutrition, breathing, and sleep to improve health metrics, making integrated health a reality for all. Understanding and managing these key biomarkers are fundamental to the integrated health philosophy, guiding individuals toward proactive measures in their health journey. Prevention and self-monitoring are key.

Discover the convenience and comfort of comprehensive blood tests in Amsterdam, and take the first step towards a healthier, holistic lifestyle.

Building a Strong Foundation: Corrective Exercises, Muscle Capacity, Range of Motion, and the FRC System for Pain Reduction and Posture Improvement

In our fast-paced world, maintaining good posture and mobility while reducing pain are essential to enhance our health. Many individuals turn to physiotherapy, targeted exercises, and advanced systems like Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) to enhance their health. We all look for solutions to low back pain, knee pain, and all sorts of aches. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore effective ways to enhance your health by improving posture, the role of physiotherapy in pain reduction, practical solutions for low back pain. 

Corrective Exercises for Improved Posture

Corrective exercises are foundational for achieving better posture and mobility, reducing pain, and enhancing your health. Explore a range of exercises that address low back and knee pain while improving overall posture:

  • Planks for Core Stability: Discover how planks can help you strengthen your core and provide a foundation for better posture. Increasing the capacity of your abdominals will help with bracing and lower back relief. Abdominal muscles stop your spine muscles from being overused. They, therefore, help stabilize your spine. Furthermore, developing the ability to dynamically use the abdominals in a lengthened or shortened position will help. Coiling is the coined term for this utilisation of the core, while the core can be defined as the abdominals and supporting muscles of the pelvis and spine. 
  • Hip Bridges to Enhance Low Back Health: Learn how hip bridges can alleviate low back pain and promote proper posture. The use of our gluteal muscles will alleviate lower back strain and help utilise our hip hinge. This is a crucial movement pattern to assure longevity of the spine. 
  • The mobility of our joints and sum of our joints will also allow us to have more pain-free range of motion. Corrective exercises hence address these areas depending on our mobility deficiencies. Mobility is defined as controlled range of motion of a joint or of multiple joints, making it an active component of fitness. As opposed to flexibility, mobility has a key role in motor control.

The Role of Physiotherapy in Enhancing your Health

Physiotherapy plays a vital role in pain reduction and in enhancing your health. Understand how physiotherapists can assist in managing low back and knee pain while improving overall posture:

  • Physiotherapy Techniques: Explore various physiotherapy techniques that are effective in reducing pain and promoting musculoskeletal health.There are debates on myofascial release through manual therapy. There is good clinical evidence that when manual therapy is combined with specific exercises that address the proper utilisation of muscles, pain reduction can quickly arise. 
  • Customized Treatment Plans: It is important to think of the body as a chain rather than treating separate issues. By working with a movement specialist & manual therapist that constantly looks at your overall health quality, you will achieve better results.

Effective Solutions for Low Back Pain

Discover practical solutions for low back pain, including exercises, lifestyle changes, and expert advice:

  • Exercise Routines: Explore targeted exercise routines designed to alleviate low back pain, improve posture which will enhance your health. To get results we must first understand where the pain comes from. Adapting a proper routine which addresses the root cause will help alleviate symptoms and increase resilience towards spinal instability. There are many stages in lower back pain. There is hence no one size fits all solution and this makes it quite a difficult journey for the patient. With proper assessment, treatment, there is a guarantee for good results.
  • Ergonomic Tips: Get valuable tips on creating an ergonomic workspace to prevent and manage low back pain. Better recovery will come from increasing spinal hygiene and addressing workspace,living space and bettering sleeping circumstances.

The FRC System: Enhancing Your Health through Pain Reduction and Posture Improvement Journey

Introducing the Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) system, an advanced approach to optimizing musculoskeletal health and mobility. Learn how FRC can take your journey to the next level:

  • Muscle Control at All Lengths: Understand how FRC emphasizes muscle strength across the entire spectrum, promoting pain reduction and better control during movements.

  • Joint Health and Mobility: Explore FRC’s focus on joint health, ensuring that your joints are prepared for a wide range of movements, contributing significantly to better posture and movement quality.

In conclusion, improving posture and mobility while reducing pain are attainable goals. Whether you’re seeking solutions for low back pain, knee pain, or posture enhancement, physiotherapy, targeted exercises, and the innovative FRC system offer effective pathways to a healthier and more comfortable life. Implement these solutions and take proactive steps towards improved posture, reduced pain, and enhanced musculoskeletal health today.

REM Sleep Importance for Holistic Health and Fitness

Sleep Quality


Sleep is often undervalued in our fast-paced world, yet it plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. Among the various stages of sleep, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stands out as a vital component essential for both physical and mental health. In this extended discussion, we’ll delve deeper into the significance of REM sleep, exploring its impact on body transformation, exercise, emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and holistic health.

Understanding REM Sleep:

REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and vivid dreaming, is a stage of sleep where the brain becomes highly active while the body remains largely immobile. This stage typically occurs multiple times throughout the night, with each cycle lasting longer as the night progresses.

Physical Benefits of REM Sleep:

REM sleep plays a pivotal role in physical health, facilitating crucial repairs and rejuvenation processes within the body. One of its primary functions is the release of growth hormones, which are essential for muscle growth, repair, and recovery. Additionally, REM sleep supports immune function, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.

Moreover, REM sleep contributes to overall sleep quality, ensuring that individuals wake up feeling refreshed and energized. By prioritizing REM sleep, individuals can optimize their exercise performance, accelerate muscle growth, and enhance their physical fitness levels.

Emotional Regulation and Memory Consolidation:

Beyond its physical benefits, REM sleep is equally important for emotional well-being and cognitive function. Research suggests that REM sleep plays a significant role in emotional regulation, helping individuals process and cope with stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Furthermore, REM sleep is critical for memory consolidation, particularly in the encoding and retention of new information. Adequate REM sleep enhances learning, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive function, contributing to improved academic and professional performance.

Holistic Health and Wellness:

In the realm of holistic health, REM sleep emerges as a cornerstone of overall well-being. Its profound impact on both the mind and body underscores its importance in achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle. By nurturing healthy sleep habits and ensuring sufficient REM sleep, individuals can experience numerous benefits, including enhanced mood, sharper cognitive abilities, and improved stress management. Learn more about the importance of sleep here

Practical Tips for Optimizing REM Sleep:

To maximize the benefits of REM sleep, it’s essential to prioritize sleep hygiene practices. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and creating a conducive sleep environment can promote deeper and more restorative sleep.

Additionally, reducing caffeine intake, limiting screen time before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help facilitate the transition into REM sleep more effectively.


In conclusion, REM sleep stands as a cornerstone of holistic health and fitness, influencing both physical and mental well-being. By recognizing the importance of REM sleep and adopting healthy sleep habits, individuals can unlock the full potential of their mind and body. Whether striving for optimal physical performance, emotional resilience, or cognitive function, prioritizing REM sleep is essential for achieving overall health and wellness. Learn more about REM and sleep hygiene by scheduling a meeting with Healthy Bestari and starting your wellness journey


Unlocking Optimal Wellness: A Guide to the Holistic Health Cake

Welcome to the Healthy Bestari Health Cake!

This metaphorical journey offers a delectable guide to maintaining optimal wellness: Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise and Breathwork. Instead of traditional nutrition pyramids, we introduce the Health Cake analogy, encompassing all aspects of healthy living!


  1. Total time in bed 
    1. From lights out to morning alarm. 
  2. REM vs. Deep vs. Light Sleep
    1. The easiest way to measure your quality of sleep is by using wearables like the Apple Watch.
  3. Number of significant waking moments
    1. We all tend to wake up during the night, if you begin counting the amount of times this can happen, you can trace the reason behind it. Maybe you forgo a glass of water before bed! In some instances, such as being a young parent, this is impossible to alter, but there are things you can do to improve your sleep quality, such as proper supplementation. We recommend taking a probiotic and Vitamin D before sleep. You can also alternate with Magnesium and Dormavit – but check with your doctor beforehand. 
  4. Percent of time with Heart Rate (HR) below Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
    1. Your resting heart rate is the average HR you have when you are resting. It is a good indicator of health as the stronger your heart is, the more blood it pumps per second, hence decreasing the beats per minute. When you are sleeping you are at a state of low metabolic need, meaning a lower need for oxygen. Your body needs less oxygen then even when you are at ‘rest’ (sitting, laying down, not moving) during the day. However, certain things such as when you eat before bed, alcohol, caffeine and other factors that stress out your digestion or adrenals can lead your heart rate to be above your RHR preventing you from achieving proper rest and recovery.


  1. Timing
    1. Make sure to leave enough fasting time between meals to fully digest your previous meal. It prevents your digestive tract from getting stressed out and keeps your colon happy. We also suggest avoiding meals or snacks a few hours before bed as eating before bed can tamper with your sleep quality. 
  2. Micro and Macro Nutrients
    1. Ensuring you are getting enough vitamins and minerals through your diet by eating as organic as possible.
  3. Total Kcal
    1. Using a calorie counter app on your smartphone can help you count your calorie intake. Try not to get too caught up in counting calories though, it mainly comes down to eating enough and not too much and moving your body.
  4. Pre-Pro-Post Biotics for your Microbiome
    1. Prebiotics are defined by the amount of food that your gut bacteria have at their disposal. Usually non-soluble fiber, found in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, are what these bacterias feed on. The probiotics are defined by the type and diversity of the species of bacteria that are found in the small but mostly large intestine. You can add probiotic foods to your daily diet such as: sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, raw cheese, nato, umeboshi, etc. Postbiotic is the inter-relation between bacteria that is created by the gases and by-product that one bacteria might produce, which is then used by another bacteria allowing for an even more biodiverse environment. Aim to have a good balance of both pre and probiotics in your daily diet for optimal gut health. 


  1. Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time
    1. Try to switch up your workout routine. Aim to balance between High Intensity Cardio and Strength Training to prevent injury.
  2. Is it stress and fuel matched?
    1. When you are functioning at a high stress level, high intensity exercises can be beneficial for stress release. In order to prevent chronic stress in your body, it is important to wind down after high intensity workouts and to balance your intense workouts with calmer activities such as yoga or strength training. 
    2. Make sure to match your fuel to your workout, carbohydrates help prepare your body for high stress exercise, whereas a protein shake can be beneficial on strengthening days.


  1. Chest vs. Diaphragm
    1. Shallow vs. Deep breathing: Always take time for long deep breaths throughout your day to lower your cortisol and stress response. Try our favourite breathwork practice here. 
  2. Frequency
    1. How often do you remember to breathe? Most of us don’t realize we are shallow breathing throughout the day. Therefore, it stresses out our adrenal system over time and limit you on your path to health. This book is a great way to reconnect to your breath.
  3. Nasal vs. Mouth
    1. Nasal breathing promotes the production of Nitrous Oxide, which vasodilates to increase blood flow. Despite this, achieving high ventilation frequency is more challenging due to the narrower nasal pathway compared to mouth breathing. Opting for nasal breathing during workouts challenges the cardiovascular system without surpassing the anaerobic threshold. Thus, facilitating access to the rest and digest state for better recovery.We love using a Neti Pot with Pink Salt once in a while to keep your nasal passages clear, especially during allergy season!

Holiday Nutrition Survival Guide: Tips to Stay Healthy During Festive Feasts

healthy habits for holiday season

During the holiday season, sticking to a nutrition plan can feel like an uphill battle. Indulgent feasts, tempting treats, and festive gatherings make it challenging to stay on track. However, with a few simple strategies, you can navigate the holiday season without derailing your health goals. Here’s a short cheat sheet to help you stay guilt-free, energized, and satisfied throughout the festivities.

1. Embrace Balance:

Instead of aiming for perfection, strive for balance. Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite holiday foods in moderation while also incorporating nutritious options like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals.

2. Portion Control:

Mindful eating is key during the holidays. Be conscious of portion sizes, and avoid overindulging. Use smaller plates, take your time to savor each bite, and listen to your body’s hunger cues to prevent overeating.

3. Stay Hydrated:

Amidst the festivities, it’s easy to forget about staying hydrated. However, adequate water intake is essential for digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and limit sugary beverages to prevent dehydration.

4. Plan Ahead:

Before attending holiday gatherings or parties, plan your meals and snacks for the day. This can help you make healthier choices and prevent impulsive eating. Consider bringing a nutritious dish to share, ensuring there are healthy options available.

5. Prioritize Physical Activity:

Maintaining an exercise routine during the holidays can help counterbalance indulgent meals and keep you feeling energized. Schedule regular workouts or incorporate physical activity into your daily routine to support your overall health and well-being.

6. Manage Stress:

The holiday season can be stressful, which may lead to emotional eating or unhealthy coping mechanisms. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or spending time outdoors to reduce stress and support your mental health.

7. Seek Support:

If you’re struggling to stick to your nutrition plan or have concerns about supplementation, don’t hesitate to seek support from a qualified professional. Consult your family doctor or a registered dietitian for personalized guidance and recommendations.

8. Supplement with Glutamine and Probiotics:

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our bodies. It minimises our sugar cravings as it is able to quickly convert to glucose, which stops the cravings signalling from our brain. It also helps maintain seratonin balance, which influences appetite signals, preventing us from overeating. During the holiday season, up your protein intake to ensure you are getting enough glutamine and if you are eating a mainly plant-based diet, we reccomend supplementing appropriately.  Keeping our gut happy is the key to living a healthy life. Taking a daily probiotic (and doubling up on heavy holiday food days) is the perfect way to keep your body and digestion in tact during the holiday season.


With a mindful approach and practical strategies, you can navigate the holiday season while staying true to your health goals. By embracing balance, practicing portion control, and prioritizing self-care, you can enjoy the festivities without the guilt and post-indulgence sluggishness. Remember, it’s okay to indulge occasionally, but moderation is key. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!

Holiday Seasonal Stress got you down?

Here is a quick and easy way to unwind for your mental health

With the holiday season upon us and fatigue from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and the current situation of the world post-pandemic, our stress levels are running quite high. Here is a short breathwork practice to help prevent burnout and help you manage your stress before we delve into the holidays. Maintaining your wellness practice around this time of year can be difficult but short bursts of movement or moments of calm can help you and your holiday plans run a bit smoother.

Enhance your breathwork practice with a warm drink, such as caffeine free herbal tea or an adaptogenic latte and a face mist to set the mood.


3 Easy Ways to Embrace Self Care in your Daily Routine

Dry Brush 

You may have heard of dry brushing before but if not, it is the practice of brushing your body in small circular motions in the direction of your heart. It is best done before showering as it can bring toxins to the surface of your skin. By dry brushing, you are stimulating your body’s lymphatic system and promoting the drainage of extra fluid or toxins. It helps with bloating, blood circulation, swelling and sluggishness. The process only takes a few minutes and is an easy self care activity to add to your daily routine. We love a dry brush with copper as it has the added benefit of exfoliating the skin and provides a stronger lymphatic reaction than regular bristled dry brushes. 


This health tip sounds so simple but it is truly difficult to remember to continously drink water throughout the day. We reccomend investing in a water bottle you genuinely enjoy using and sourcing the cleanest water possibly. We love a carbon filter attached to the faucet as water filters that use plastic containers tend to contain microplastics.

No Devices Before Bed

It is one of the most difficult tasks, but putting your electronics away an hour before bed has proven to improve your sleep quality. The blue light emitted from our phones interrupts our natural sleep cycle and does not allow our mind and body to prepare for bedtime. Since it is almost wintertime, with less sunlight and shorter days, we suggest using a SAD lamp that alternates with morning and evening lighting cycles to mimic a sunrise and sunset. It makes it easier to wake up in the morning and go to bed, without the harsh light from our electronics. Instead of falling asleep to the social media scroll, check out a few of our favorite reads:

  1. A book on Ayurvedic Self Care
  2. Cooking for a Healthy Life
  3. The Travel Book – perfect for lulling yourself into your dream holiday sleep